
Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Introducing Incy Wincy's Wives.....

We had a very wet walk home from the children's centre last week and one of the children began to sing 'Incy Wincy spider'..... at the second verse I chimed in with a silly ending and set the tone for the rest of the walk home!! Poor Incy was subjected to more and more ridiculous situations with a good dose of 'toilet humour' thrown in I'm afraid (and not all of it from the children!!).  We were in fits of giggles all the way.... I just love to hear a group of children giggling uncontrollably, it's so infectious!  It probably took us longer to walk because of the silliness but it certainly seemed a short walk! The children were brilliant at rhyming though! 

After we had shed wet coats and shoes and dried off a bit, we sat down to make some spiders for ourselves.... I accidentally erased the 'in the making' pictures, but we made them from sections of egg box with eight holes pierced round the base and lengths of pipe cleaner pushed in and folded inside to keep them in place.  Once legs were in we added red glitter to black paint and painted them all over.  Whilst they dried we made a web for them by stringing wool around a hoop and looping it backwards and forwards. 

The children decided that their spiders were called 'Wetsy Betsy' instead of Incy Wincy!!
Find some more spider activities linked to through this post


  1. Lovely! So then, will you be brave and share the silly verses with us please????

    A few months back while we were singing Incy Wincy, after breakfast, I spotted a spider on the wall and took Little Moo out her highchair to show her. Ever since then, every time we sing Incy Wincy, she looks around the kitchen hoping to find him! Aaaawwww.

  2. I love that.... my littlest has a love affair with all creatures small and insecty, and I'm so pleased as her older sister squirms and squeaks whenever one comes near her!! I will have to try and recall some of the verses, they were so 'off the cuff' they were gone almost as soon as they were said!!
    jen x
