Thursday 17 June 2010

A Week of Play...

Well I was graced with either a stinky virus or a migraine or both from last Friday, hence the lack of posting.  I am still not better but at the stage where paracetamol and Ibuprofen can at least keep it at bay and allow me to function in a more human way!  So this week I have done a lot of sitting as still as possible on the back step, verbally facilitating play after setting up various 'play stations' around the patio.  It's not something that I usually do but it worked really well.  I have also done more observing of interactions than I normally have chance to do and it made for happy watching as I saw friendship bloom between my two littlest charges!!

The picture above is the water tray set up with mega bloks and wow people.  I have never thought of combining them with water before but it ran for a long time with lots of different scenarios being played out.

There was also pasta in the red table..... like the foam last week I have been skeptical about pasta but it allowed for a lot of small motor movement practice such as spooning and pouring and a large amount of imaginative play pretending to feed each other, as well as some exploration and discovery (a.k.a chucking it in the water tray and squishing it into the play dough when I wasn't looking!!)

As far as my two littlest ones went, they were actually role-playing together, very simple things like making cakes with play dough, or getting into the car and waving bye-bye but it was all generated by them and it was so lovely to see!  Note to self, I must just sit and play more often!!

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