Wednesday 2 June 2010

Truly A Children's Garden!!

This slightly wobbly line of lovingly planted pea seedlings makes my heart swell with pride.  We had planted one together with one child digging the hole and the other squeezing the seedling out of the pot and putting it in the hole.  I realised that I hadn't got my camera and went back to the house for it.  When I returned there were three quarters of the row planted absolutely beautifully with the children working together to achieve it!  I was truly touched.  Although we do a lot of gardening together I sometimes wonder whether it means much to the children.  Yes they love to do it and are always very enthusiastic and hands on but it seems repetitive sometimes. Seeing this happen though reminded me that repetition is important for children as it is how they become competent at a task, and that the many times we have sown and thinned and planted on and watered really did have value for the children.  It isn't enough to plant a single sunflower seed once a year, children need to have a garden to really be involved in whether it is a series of patio planters or a little corner of the garden. The skill, absorption, co-operation, pride and ownership i witnessed was something special that I won't forget for a long time!


  1. retired teacher granny3 June 2010 at 10:18

    Do you know the technique of turning cereal boxes inside out and reassembling them? This may need to be done beforehand or by an adult depending how adept your children are. This leaves a paintable surface which does not need papier mache, especially if fastened with masking tape which is also paintable.
    I don't know how you attached the bits but a cold glue gun is a good addition to your resources.

  2. Hi Mum, good idea about the cereal boxes, but the paper mache was great fun!! Cold glue gun?? Never seen one.... any idea where to get one??

  3. You're so right about repetition. I sometimes find myself trying to think of new things to do, to be floored when they go for the same things again. We forget how important practice is to be able to do something with excellence, not just skim over it.
