Well, as is becoming typical of me, after looking at several options for a maths curriculum, none seemed to fit my daughter better than the Montessori method that I am training in, but I took a look at what the National Curriculum expects of children in Year One. It made interesting reading because I had two versions to compare; the original curriculum from 1998 and the revised edition from 2008. To my surprise, two thirds of what used to be expected of Year 2(6-7) children has been added to the Year 1(5-6yrs) syllabus! It makes for a very long list and here it is..... my intention is to link back to this list as the year goes by so that in the future this post will contain links to 'how to' posts and resources lists for you to use. I will be using my Montessori files, making my own resources and hopefully making use of some offerings from the Internet too, although we don't do a lot of paper based learning at the present time!
Be familiar with numbers 11-20
Extend to counting to 100 and beyond
Read an write numbers 1-20 then 100+
Position numbers 0-20 in sequence
Order one and two-digit numbers on a number line and square.
recognise place value (0 as the place holder)
Recognise sequences of odd and even numbers to 30+
Know patterns of multiples 2, 5 and 10.
Number patterns (+ and -), predicting the next number.
Doubling and halving numbers as an inverse relationship
Know number bonds to ten
know two and ten times table.
Know doubles of numbers to ten
Know halves of even numbers to twenty
Addition and Subtraction
+ done in any order
- can mean 'take away' or 'the difference between'
- the inverse of +
use = sign
Record calculations in number sentences
Solve 'missing number' problems
Understand x as repeated +
Mental methods for working out ten plus a single digit
+/- multiples of ten within two digit numbers
Choose a calculation method to solve whole number problems (money, measures etc)
Use lists/tables/charts to sort and classify information
Discuss it and explain results.
Describe mathematical features of 2D and 3D shapes (triangles/rectangles/circles/cubes/cuboids/hexagons/pentagons/cylinders/pyramids/cones/spheres)
Create 2D and 3D shapes
Reflective symmetry in 2D shapes and patterns
Recognise translations and rotations.
Recognise right angles
Understand angle as a measure of turn using whole turns, half turns and quarter turns.
Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words.
Estimate size of objects and order them by comparison.
Put events in chronological order
Compare and measure objects using standard and non-standard units of measurement.
Compare durations of events using standard measurements of time.
Estimate, measure and weigh objects.